Baby’s play gym
Nicole Clark Nicole Clark

Baby’s play gym

We set up baby’s play gym today!! It’s made by the sweetest family-owned business... @lil_bambinos 🧸

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The Rules
Nicole Clark Nicole Clark

The Rules

I’m just going to say it: the week after Jack’s birth was the darkest mentally and emotionally I’ve had as a mom. Although I can’t guarantee anything, I do hope I’ve learned a few things that hopefully will help..

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Happy Easter
Nicole Clark Nicole Clark

Happy Easter

We are staying home on Easter (too close to 👶🏻 time to risk being away!) but I’m still planning some simple, fun meals!

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Happy Birthday to me
Nicole Clark Nicole Clark

Happy Birthday to me

My sister dropped off balloons and within 2 minutes Jack had ripped open the 4. #winning

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Baby #7
Nicole Clark Nicole Clark

Baby #7

Here’s how it’s gone so far....

Rachel: 6 lbs, 6 oz.

40 weeks + 4

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hello spring
Nicole Clark Nicole Clark

hello spring

Spring used to not be my favorite. Like I Barely even noticed or cared when the trees were in bloom or when the weather turned warmer or when we could finally go to the park… because it wasn’t my thing. (Neither was summer 😅😬)

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Middle names
Nicole Clark Nicole Clark

Middle names

Ok mamas: tell me your kids’ MIDDLE names!!!

Last night I was like let’s switch this baby’s middle name!! But the first name is 3 syllables and the middle would be 3 syllables...

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Spring Cleaning
cleaning Joe Moss cleaning Joe Moss

Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning happening over here!!

From left to right on shelf: pull ups, small makeup bag for older girls, hair accessories, doll clothes.

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Strength, beauty, courage
Joe Moss Joe Moss

Strength, beauty, courage

There’s this ad we’ve seen on repeat that shows a perfectly fit, perfectly sculpted woman exercising... and I always wonder what my girls are thinking as they watch it. Because many women won’t look like that.... won’t spend the time exercising to look like that... etc

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Faithful in the little things
Joe Moss Joe Moss

Faithful in the little things

It is really easy in the day to day to become discouraged – to think that we are basically going nowhere… And I think it’s because we *want* BIG RESULTS... and we aren’t seeing them. We are just kind of doing the same small things on repeat. ⁣

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Dream House Sold
Joe Moss Joe Moss

Dream House Sold

Our “dream house” (that we looked at over the weekend) sold.... and I woke up in a bad mood 🙄😬- but the more I thought about it....

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