Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning happening over here!!

From left to right on shelf: pull ups, small makeup bag for older girls, hair accessories, doll clothes. Hanging up we’ve got jackets, and then the dresses that fit them and are in season. On the floor: shoe bins for each girl. We keep the girls’ laundry basket and then their “fun bins” (all their items personal to them whether drawings, dolls, books, etc...) under their beds.

As for this general tidying up and organizing, we probably do it once every couple months!! Gotta fit it in before baby! (All items currently not in use get sold on local sites). 🙌🏻 and.... for the bins + these dresses, check the link in my profile!! Bins are $8 and a bunch of the dresses are under $10!


Middle names


Strength, beauty, courage