Faithful in the little things

It is really easy in the day-to-day to become discouraged – to think that we are basically going nowhere… And I think it’s because we *want* BIG RESULTS... and we aren’t seeing them. We are just kind of doing the same small things on repeat. ⁣We are making that phone call, writing that note of encouragement, going over another math problem with our five-year-old, snuggling our two-year-old and singing her a song before bed, apologizing to the hubby because we said something bitter, writing another Instagram post, showing up day after day… ⁣

The thing is, we want results right now. We want the respectful child, the *smart* child, the perfect marriage, the successful business, the Instagram where we have engaged followers… But that doesn’t just happen, right now, when we want it to. ⁣Are you willing to show up day after day, to do those little seemingly meaningless things, and having the faith that one day you will see the fruit? Because of course there WILL be fruit. The question is will YOU still be around to see it. ⁣SAVE this post for when you’re feeling discouraged later this week… Maybe even later today.... ⁣

And remember: it’s all about the little things. Being faithful in the little things. I know you’ve got this. 🙏🏻❤️ 👊🏻


Strength, beauty, courage


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