The one time I thought i had it all together

There was this one time that I thought I had it all together. I had four kids, including one very easy baby, and we had some great systems and everything was smooth sailing. Things were pretty black-and-white in my mind. I thought I had things right and a lot of people around me just didn’t get it ya know. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤪

I could’ve told you all about how to take your kids shopping perfectly and how to homeschool them perfectly, and how to raise them perfectly…

And then I got pregnant... and lost that baby. And then I got pregnant again, and lost another baby. And then I spiraled down and couldn’t stop crying. And we tried a business that failed and lost almost all our savings and it was a dark, dark time.

And I came out of it seeing things a bit differently. Life wasn’t as clear as I once thought. No reason to pass judgment when I was the one feeling lost and confused.

We are trying to find the right thing for our family- whether it’s where we live, HOW we live, what church we attend, what curriculum we use... ALL OF IT..... and I know you are trying to do the same.

One day at a time! 🤛🏻❤️


Mindset is everything


craziest photo session