Mindset is everything

You mamas know how it is with a newborn. Sleep is so hit and miss. I have been trying to focus on not saying out loud: I have a headache or I am so tired… Because I feel like saying those things out loud or running those things over and over in my mind only exaggerates the feeling. 

Once an hour I am trying to think of one thing I am thankful for or grateful for that happened within the last hour and expressing it out loud or at least thinking about it. 

I know that mindset is everything and it affects every area of life. 

But baby is cute though ;)

I encourage you to take some time today to reflect on one thing you are grateful for. Say it out loud. Write it down. Begin to shift your mindset to practice gratitude and watch how it can greatly impact your day to day.


The Perfect Summer Treat


The one time I thought i had it all together