Staying in Control of the Laundry


This might be a revolutionary idea, but I feel like one big way to stay in control of the laundry is to get control of your closets first.

Too often our clothes are crammed full of clothing that we don’t actually like or wear which means that just getting dressed in the morning can end up being more complicated than it needs to be. First figure out what sort of outfits you like wearing.....

Then pull everything from your dressers and closets, and as you are looking through the piles, ask yourself these questions:

Do I wear this?
Do I LIKE this?
Does it fit me?
Do I feel attractive in it?

If the answer to each of these is yes, then great! It’s a keeper. But if not, either sell it, give it away, or throw it away.

You will quickly find your closets feeling more manageable, and that will translate into getting the laundry under control! You will actually be wearing the clothes in your closet, and you will have fewer clothes. Oh, and make sure you don’t buy any more clothes unless you need them!



Pumpkin spice and everything nice!! 


Simple Cleanliness Habits for Kids PT. 2