Simple Cleanliness Habits for Kids PT. 1

Keeping the house clean is all about habits – those little things we either do or don’t do every day, all day long, which determines if our house will be neat and clean, or a chaotic disaster.

Kids are capable of so much – especially if you create very simple routines they become accustomed to! If you teach your kids to create good habits when they’re little and give them lots of encouragement, they will be more likely to love helping out and it will come more naturally to them.

3 simple habits you can teach your kids:

1. Take their shoes off at the door.

This way, so much less dirt gets onto the floors and carpets. I still have to sweep and vacuum, but having a no shoes policy has gone a long way in keeping our carpeting and rugs nice.

As a follow-up to taking their shoes off, we also teach them to…

2. Put their shoes away.

If the shoes are relatively clean, they need to put them away in their shoe baskets in their closet! This keeps the foyer from getting cluttered from shoes!

3. Make their bed before leaving the room in the morning.

When they are little, their beds won’t look as neat as if you made their bed, but the most important thing is that they’re doing their best!

That’s a good start LOL! Part two coming next week!



Simple Cleanliness Habits for Kids PT. 2


PSA: All Things Pumpkin Are Officially In