Rest or Productivity? I’ll Take Both!

So I have this funny thing about Saturdays: at the end of a busy week, I really like to relax. But at the same time, relaxing too much makes me feel guilty LOL! I like to get some extra cleaning or laundry or cooking done while we have a totally free day you know what I mean? 

So I have been trying to find a perfect balance between rest and productivity and I have a few things that have been working. 

1. Wear comfy clothes. 

2. Turn on the tv and watch our favorite shows WHILE also pausing it a lot to bake… Switch loads of laundry, put fresh bedding on the beds, you get the idea! 

3. Bake banana bread, chocolate chip cookies... and eat them with a cup of hot coffee in between all the work! 

What I found is that my productivity actually goes up when I am taking time to REST- or when I am combining the two! You should totally try it and let me know how it works for you!



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