one action each day

One problem with reading really good books is that I get so overwhelmed with how much better I could be. YAY I recognize that I COULD/should have a better mindset but at the same time- where do I start?! 🧐

This helped me:

1. Separate your life into categories and PRIORITIZE them.

  • God

  • Family

  • Homeschooling

  • Business

  • Instagram

Etc - this isn’t my order necessarily but you get the idea!

Sometimes it gets all outta whack. Put it all back in order. 🙌🏻

2. Let’s say you want to ....

  • Spend less $$

  • Build your Instagram

  • Share truth with others

Ok sounds great but HOW 🤷🏻‍♀️

Do ONE thing each day that fits with those.

Using above list, try....

-I didn’t eat out today.

-I made a reel.

-I signed a petition for something I believe in.


Remember one action each day in the same direction = RESULTS!!



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