Life is MEant to Be Lived

I had a regularly ROTTEN day as a mom, the day this photo was taken.

Mom guilt, feeling ashamed, embarrassed, like I wasn’t any good..... on and on.

It was time for photos.... after hours of feeling this way.... and Ellie didn’t want to smile- and Jack wanted to RUN around the field vs standing for a pose...

It’s kinda complicated, all of it. Especially with all the ages and personalities. You want to do the right thing but what even IS the right thing sometimes?

So you know what I did? I cancelled plans for the next day. I told the older girls: Sleep in as late as you want. When the younger kids woke up they drank hot chocolate.

There was no schedule. The day just kind of happened.

I don’t know what exactly my takeaway is except- life is meant to be LIVED. Not one stressed out day after Another. Not one day after another of feeling mom guilt. I HATE THAT SO MUCH.

And P.S. moms, can we please please support each other? I feel like a community of moms who are THERE for each other is so much more powerful than “Here’s a list of what you could do better.”

BC we are judging ourselves on a daily, maybe minute by minute basis.

Live each day like a mini celebration: I am thankful for today. Today is meant to be LIVED.



Simple Christmas Tree Decor for Kids


Less things, more experiences.