4 things I keep in Mind While Shopping

There was a time in my life where I feel like I was chasing happiness. Trying to fill a void with various things that didn’t work. Times when I have emptied a whole bag of Target stuff on my bed and still felt completely unhappy.

But in my heart I know that more does not equal more happiness! I have learned I can walk out of a store as happy with an empty cart as I would have if my cart was completely full. I have realized I can wear something that’s been hanging in my closet for a while and feel just as happy as putting on a top with newly removed tags. It’s a mindset shift I have embraced and something I remind myself before stepping foot in any store!

So what do I tell myself?

Here are 4 things I keep in mind while shopping:

1. Even if I have the money I don’t need to spend it.

2. Even if I love it, it doesn’t need to come home with me.

3. Even if I love this season, I don’t necessarily need to buy more for it. I can use what I have at home.

4. I can enjoy looking around and still be content walking out empty handed!

Y’all know I love fall just as much as the next person!! But as the seasons change and the dazzle of holiday shopping begins I want to remember—Having a full cart does not equal having a full heart!



PSA: All Things Pumpkin Are Officially In


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