3 steps to decluttering your home

1. Start by ruthlessly throwing away trash. Things that cannot be donated or sold. Do not overthink this. Don’t let something rest in your hands for more than 5 to 10 seconds. Make quick decisions about things that have just been sitting around that you have not been using! 

2. Put “like” items together!!! Hang all your dresses together. Put all your shoes together. Put all the school books together. Put all the pens together! Put all the stuffed animals together! You get the drill. That way you can see exactly how much of each item you have! 

3. Separate into piles: 

Pile 1: I love this, I use this, I will KEEP this! 

Pile 2: I haven’t used this for a while but I may in the next couple months so I’m going to keep it in a “time will tell” box for 6 months. Then I’ll make a decision! 

Pile 3: I do not see me using this again. I’m sure there are many people out there that would definitely use and love this more than I am right now! I will donate or sell this! 




St. Patty’s Day Fun!